Screen Reading Software
Screen reading software using synthesized voice is the most important development in the history of technology. Softwares such as Jaws, Window Eyes, Hal etc. read the information on a computer screen in a human voice . This technology helps a visually impaired to do everything in the computer like his sighted counterpart. The difference is that a sighted person operates the computer with vision, whereas a person with blindness does the same by hearing the information and operates through key-board. These softwares are paid softwares.
Among the free to use open source Screen Reading softwares NBDA & SAFA are worth mentioning for Windows. They can be easily downloadable without any lisencesing issues.
There are also some in-Built Screen Readers. The encouraging trend in this category of softwares is the inclusion of a basic screen reading software with in the Operating system itself. The Voice Over screen reader which comes bundled with Mac OS is definitely far superior to the Narrator found in Windows. Linux OS now offers in built screen reading software ORKA which comes with ubuntu.